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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sophomore Mentoring Ice Skating Outing 2015

Yeshivah of Flatbush Sophomore students from classes 2-HN, 2-S, and 2-T traded their iPads for ice skates on Wednesday, November 25. The classes spent a couple of hours on the ice at Aviator with their teacher-mentors, Mr. Hofstetter, Mr. Lazar, and Ms. Marcus, as part of the Sophomore Mentoring program. Some students hugged the railing while the more advanced skaters, like Matt Fromer of class 2-T, showed off some serious skill.
In the end everyone had fun and appreciated having time to bond with classmates and teachers without the pressure of tests and homework. The teacher-mentors for the remaining sophomore classes are currently planning fun trips for their classes as well.