This year the freshmen students were welcomed into the Yeshivah of Flatbush over the course of the first month of school. Starting with Freshman Orientation Day, where 9th grade students met with their 12th grade senior mentors all the way to Freshman Day, where students spent the day playing all sorts of games; the students of the Class of 2018 had the opportunity to get adjusted and settled into the beginning of their high school experience.
Once orientation was over and the first week of school had ended, we thought the freshmen deserved a treat. What better treat than an ice cream party in the middle of the day? The students had a blast taking a break and enjoying some ice cream while socializing with their new friends. The 9th graders were also treated to a special breakfast where they met with and heard from all the principals. During Freshman Welcome Month the 9th grade students were also introduced to the members of the Guidance, College Guidance, and Library departments.

To culminate a great first month, freshmen spent half a day playing all sorts of games and completing many challenges with their classmates and senior mentors. The games, run by the seniors, included hilarious challenges like wrapping a student entirely in toilet paper, walking while balancing a ping-pong ball on a spoon, and getting the best picture of their team jumping in the air. Throughout the day, seniors captured the hysterical moments on camera, later to be turned into a slideshow which the students watched at the end of the program. The students were also fortunate enough to hear comforting wise words from Rabbi Besser, Dean of Students, concerning their adjustment to high school and new life at Yeshivah of Flatbush.
We know this year and the remaining years at Flatbush are going to be full of excitement for these students, and we can't wait to see them succeed and experience Four Years For the Rest of Your Life...
Here is a glimpse into Freshman Welcome Month 2014: