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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Kumzitz

In the room were nearly seven hundred people, students and educators alike. The first Rosh Chodesh Kumzitz program of the year kicked off with a big impression: from beginning to end, the program captured our attention, and in all the directions we turned we saw our peers engulfed in the moment as well. Rabbi Besser opened the program with images of Gilad Shalit, bringing us to sympathize with our brothers in Israel. We felt overcome with a feeling of achdut, of caring for one another because we are all am echad- one nation. We saw videos and images portraying some of the difficulties that others around the world are facing; including many of suffering families and children in need. These images demonstrated the importance of appreciating what we have and thinking of ways to help out others. Sitting on the floor for a kumzitz, we sang captivating and inspiring songs of tefillah to Hashem, repeating the powerful words multiple times. Throughout the gym, everyone was linked together arm in arm, many so moved that tears ran down their cheeks. As always, we concluded with a loud and powerful Hatikva, singing to the flag of Israel as a symbol of our commonality with our brothers around the world. For those forty-five minutes, our hearts felt truly connected.   ~Jeanette Eliezer, 4-HN