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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gesher: Bridging the gap between religious and secular Israelis

Last week, the entire senior grade had the opportunity to listen to three representatives of a very special program in Israel called Gesher. They each explained, through personal experiences and outlooks, that the purpose of Gesher is to close the gap that exists between the religious and secular Jews living in Israel. Like its name, meaning "bridge," suggests, this organization works towards strengthening the connections and the achdut of am yisrael, by creating opportunities such as seminars in order to allow for bonding and learning to live side by side as members of the Jewish nation. We learned of the strong positive efforts that exist in Israel, that stresses further to us the importance of standing together with the rest of our brothers and sisters, our fellow Jews, regardless of our different heritages, traditions, ethnicity or religious observance.