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Monday, February 25, 2013

Poetry Slam Club: Purim Style

Last Week, the Yeshivah of Flatbush's Poetry Slam club attended a poetry slam at S.A.R High School. The theme of the slam was based around Purim and students were invited to write and perform two poems: a free verse and a Pantoum. Bonnie Azoulay, Jacob Tessone, and Fanya Donin represented Yeshivah of Flatbush in their fourth competition in the past two years. We are proud to announce that of the 42 students who competed from various schools, Bonnie Azoulay won the award for best poem of the day. Jacob Tessone was also a runner up and made it to the final round. We are so proud of our poets and look forward to the next slam! Please if you'd like to participate in the next slam.