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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Chesed Mission 2015/5775: Day 5

Today the Chesed Mission packed food for the needy at Pantry Packers, empathized with the disabled at Dialogue in the Dark, interacted with children at Emunah's Achuzat Sarah Children's Home, and visited Israeli soldiers at an army base.

We started with Pantry Packers, an organization run by Collel Chabad, that packages and delivers food to poverty stricken families in Israel (all with a smile). We were placed into groups and packaged rice for the needy in a high tech facility. We all left after a fun experience feeling good that we were able to be a part of the Pantry Packers mission of packing food for Israel's neediest.

After that, we went to the Israel Children's Museum in Holon to experience "Dialogue in the Dark," which sensitizes people to the challenges of the blind. All I have to say is wow. I always sympathized with the blind, but today I empathized with them. I never realized what their life was like and what a struggle it is for them every day. It was a real eye opener.
Then we went to Emunah's Achuzat Sarah Children's Home, a home for children who face many challenges at home. This was my favorite stop of the day. This home offers children-at-risk places to sleep, hot meals and most importantly, love and care for as long as they want. The Yeshivah of Flatbush girls were able to take part in an art project with the girls at Achuzat Sarah, while the Yeshivah of Flatbush boys played exhilarating games of soccer and basketball with the boys of Achuzat Sarah. Afterward we went inside for singing, dancing, and dinner. We ended our visit there with an amazing Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. Children from Achuzat Sarah who were celebrating their bar and bat mitzvah all received huge bags of goodies sponsored by the Yeshivah of Flatbush Elementary School Bat Mitzvah program and our Chesed Mission. This place had an incredible impact on me because these children were full of life and love. It really made me appreciate the loving family that I have.
But our day didn't end there - our last stop was the Army Base to thank Israeli soldiers and to hand out bags of clothing too them. The room was full of energy it was incredible. We danced, sang, and gave out presents. These soldiers are my heroes. I thought it was so moving how these soldiers who put their life on the line every day were able to find the energy to dance and sing with us. It felt great to show them our appreciation and to have fun with them. Although we can never really convey how grateful we are to them, it's a start. ~Danielle Ashkenazie