On Thursday, March 31, 2016, Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School hosted the final round of the Moot Court Competition. The final two teams of three people went head to head in a “heated” dispute arguing a civil suit regarding damages via fireworks. The teams were Jonathan Kraidman, Jack Sedaka, and Jack Srour as the defense and Chiya Abramaowitz, Robert Adler and Perry Sanders as the plaintiff. Even though it was late in the night, the students put forward all their energy in order to beat their opponents.
"Defense" Team |
"Plaintiff" Team |
The teams were given the case materials and 15 minutes to prepare for their opening statements as well as direct examinations of their witnesses. After delivering their opening statements with the judges (Max Edeson and Aida Hasson) making notes on their every move they followed with examining and cross-examining the witnesses from both sides. The witness had to be quick and answer on the spot, especially during the cross-examinations, which they couldn’t prepare for, because anything he/she said would be used against them. All the while the lawyers were using objections, such as hearsay, based on various inconsistencies in the questions being asked by the opposing lawyer. Finally, each lawyer, after 2 minutes of preparation, gave their closing statements summarizing the points of his case.

The judges judged each team’s performance based on a point system, and while the teams were close on many categories ultimately the victors were Jonathan Kraidman, Jack Sedaka, and Jack Srour. Congratulations to both teams for their efforts and we can’t wait to do it all again next year. This was a great social and educational event, where all participants had an opportunity to learn something new as well as meet new people; this is definitely an experience that is recommended for all students who are interested in pursuing law in the future. ~Max Edeson, Class of 2016