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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Reading Championships

The Freshmen and Sophomore Reading Championships, a competition based on reading and analysis of interesting and diverse book excerpts, held it's end-of-year Awards Ceremony and Lunch in the library last Thursday, Florence Deutsch, Joseph Kusayev and Mimi Lawerowitz won the Freshmen awards, and Max Edeson, Michelle Harari and Victor Zalta won the Sophomore awards. All participants basked in the pleasure of having aced the yearlong Championship, winning Archon credit, and enjoying each other's company, as they ate their celebratory pizza lunch. The program, coordinated by Ms. Rachail Kurtz, Library Chair, and Mr. Brian Katz, Librarian, offers an opportunity for students to come together once a month and hone their reading and comprehension skills. As Michelle Harari shared with the group, most meaningful of all, was the opportunity to participate in the Championship, enjoy the challenge, and bond with good friends.