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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Junior Scavenger Hunt & BBQ

For the first time in years, the Student Senior Council finally took a stand against rainy weather for the annual Junior Day. Instead of the usual "Day in the Park" students enjoyed a surprising Grand Central Scavenger Hunt. Juniors arrived to school that morning for late minyan and received customized Junior Picnic t-shirts before getting on the train to Grand Central Station.
Once finally at the station each team set out to check off one zany task after the next. They took pictures with babies, police men, a disguised Mr. David Galpert, and even started flash mobs. Juniors were sent to the four corners of the station from the Whispering Hall to the Apple Store, and from the tennis courts to the Campbell Apartment. At 12noon sharp the students once again convened at the main hall and hopped back on the train where they sat back and clapped along as street performers did their thing.
They arrived back at school and were greeted with an expansive BBQ. While Daniel Dweck and Oren Moskowitz manned the grill and Ms. Bloom and Ms. Kaplowitz manned the food stations, students enjoyed everything from hot dogs and hamburgers, to veggie burgers, salad, and watermelon. They lounged around the Beit Midrash, took advantage of the outdoor seating, interacting with fellow students and teachers and generally enjoyed the ends of Junior Picnic. The day was a smashing success all thanks to Mr. Galpert and the Student Council 2015 -Good Luck next year! ~Merle Cohen