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Monday, March 18, 2013

Model UN Shabbaton with Rav Gigi

Flatbush Model United Nations Team At YUNMUN
This past Shabbat, members of the Flatbush Model United Nations team went to the home of their faculty coach, Mrs. Zerykier, for a Shabbaton with the theme of leadership. The leadership of the students was immediately put to the test at Shabbat lunch, where HaRav Gigi, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) was a guest. The students were faced with the challenge of conversing with Rav Gigi entirely in Hebrew and making the most of this opportunity by asking questions. The students surpassed all expectations, navigating the conversation through important topics such as the balance of a religious life and a modern life, Jewish students entering secular college campuses, and much more. The Flatbush students engaged in intelligent discussion with the Rav, and putting their Hebrew skills to good use, they asked interesting, meaningful questions and received great insight in return. The conversation was stimulating and educational, and the students were extremely grateful that they had the opportunity to participate in this unique experience.  ~ Isabel Fattal