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Friday, March 15, 2013

Rosh Codesh Nisan 5773

On Tuesday March 12th, Alef Nisan, we had a special Rosh Chodesh program. We had a kumzitz in the gym with special guests all the way from Israel, The Hazamir Israel choir. During the kumzitz, led by Rabbi Besser, we sang songs like Acheinu, V’HiSheumda, and Esa Eynai. You could feel the spirituality and Achdut in the room, and you could tell that our guests felt it too. At the end of the Kumzitz, Hazamir Israel preformed a few spectacular songs for us. Then the Flatbush choir joined Hazamir to sing together a song called Le’eyla, and then the Flatbush choir preformed Rau Vanim. The kumzitz finished with the singing of Hatikva.

After the program, the Hazamir Israel choir ate lunch with the Flatbush choir in the Beit Midrash. The room was filled with laughter, Hebrew, English and singing. We all bonded on the fact that we love to sing, exemplified by the impromptu singing which happened for the first half hour. Then we all joined around the piano in a big circle singing and harmonizing, as each group took turns back and forth leading in the singing. The lunch finished, with goodbyes, hugging, laughing and “Friend me on Facebook, we have to keep in touch!”

From the moment the kumzitz started you could feel the Achdut of Am Yisrael, strangers became our brothers and sisters as we sang “Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael!” by Rachel Levit