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Friday, March 8, 2013

Shushan Purim - Senior Center Visit

Last Monday, February 25th, the Spiritual Growth Commission lead by Rabbi Benlulu organized for a group of seventeen senior students to visit the old age home in honor of Shushan Purim and deliver fresh challot to them. Accompanied by Mr. Ezra Hannon in his fun costume, and some of our own props for Purim, we sang and danced with the residents of this home. The elderly men and women were delighted to spend time with us, and they sang some of their favorite songs with their music instructor playing on the keyboard. Many conversations were held around the room, as we listened to some interesting stories and facts about their background. The visit ended as Mr. Hannon excited the residents by recounting the story of Purim to them. It was a great way to spend Shushan Purim, and make sure that we spread the excitement to others! -Jeanette Eliezer