Senior, Victor Dweck Performing During the Poetry Slam |
The Yeshivah of Flatbush poetry slam club held its second annual poetry slam right here in Flatbush on November 21st! About 10 schools participated, which included over 70 performances. The set up for the slam was different than any other, because usually the participants are split up into different groups and are judged separately until the finals. After the last slam at Rambam, senior Aliza Kantarowitz and her faculty advisor, Ms. Robinson collaborated and came up with the idea that the slammers should not be separated, but rather perform together the whole time. This way everyone could hear everyone else's poetry. It was invigorating to sit in about three full hours of poetry. It was, and probably will be, the biggest slam held where all participants performed in the same room.
Out of the 10 schools, two Flatbush students won awards: Aliza Kantarowitz and Joy Feinberg. The awards were both menorahs and poetry books. Only 8 awards were given and two of them went to Flatbush students so congratulations to them!
All together the slam was a success and the word is definitely spreading around the school about the amazing Jewish Poetry Slam world. See below for pictures and for a recording of all of the Flatbush participants.
~Aliza Kantarowitz