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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

SGO Chanukah Fair 2013/5774

Yesterday, Tuesday December 3rd, the SGO put together an incredible Chanukah Fair for all high school students and faculty to celebrate the beautiful holiday of Chanukah together. Chanukah is a time that families come together to have fun and enjoy the holidays so we thought why not create that atmosphere here in our own Yeshivah of Flatbush family? The SGO worked so hard on this program in order to ensure that students had that time to bond with one another along with faculty and just have a good time without the pressures of school. Whether it was singing karaoke, baking challah, making donuts, decorating cupcakes, doing arts and crafts or playing student teacher basketball, both the students and faculty had an incredible time. It was so great to see all of the students and teachers interact in a more relaxed, out of class setting. Some other activities offered were board games (bananagrams, apples to apples, chess, headbanz, uno), video games such as guitar hero, mario smashbrothers, zumba, yoga, pingpong, and so much more. Thank you to Victor Zeitoune for helping coordinate this great event. A big thank you to our outstanding lunch ladies Chani, Chani and Esther for their beautiful and delicious lunch provided by the school, free of charge. We'd also like to thank the administration for being so supportive and especially to the students for being so involved and for truly making the most of this program, as it sets the tone for future SGO activities and events. Events like these foster the togetherness feeling of what it means to be a part of the Yeshivah of Flatbush Family.

We truly hope you enjoyed it! Have a very Happy Chanukah! ~Your SGO 2014
Lauren Berkovits, Jeffrey Nussbaum, Charles Chakkalo and Rachel Linfield